We have brought together some great speakers for our upcoming conference. Learn more about each speaker below and what you can hope to learn.
Beth Parkes
Calvin Carpenter, CPA, CA
Vice President, Professional Services, MNP LLP | Edmonton AB
Carrie Verishagen
Director, Eat Well Saskatchewan
Darci Lang
Motivational Keynote Speaker & Trainer
Darren Lang, MBA
Professional Speaker and Trainer
Darren Shanahan
Principal - Avail Dental Exit Advisory Services Inc
Dental Public Health Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers
Dr. Alison Sigal
Little Bird Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Brian B. Nový, DDS
Chief Dental Officer Alliance Dental Center
Dr. David Isen
Dr. Jessica Lieffers
Registered Dietician & Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan
Dr. John M. Tsourounakis, DDS, Cert. Perio, MS, FRCD(C)
Diplomate of The American Board of Periodontology
Dr. Keith Da Silva
DDS, MSc, Cert. Pediatric Dentistry, FRCDC (Paedo, DPH)
Dr. Kristin Yont
SMART Program
Dr. Michael Sigal
Dr. Michelle Siqueira
Dr. Nekky Jamal
Dr. Peter Doig
Dr. Sanj Mohanta
General Dentist | Educator | Writer | Advocate | Organizer | Volunteer
Dr. Sorin Uram-Tuculescu
Prosthodontics and Implant Dentist
Dr. Troy Michelson
Dr. Uche Odiatu
Author of The Miracle of Health
Julian Perez
Chief Legal Officer, dentalcorp
Kayla Lindgren, BID, IDAS
Interior Design | 1080 Architecture, Planning & Interiors
Kirstie McGrath, CPA
Partner, Professional Services, MNP LLP | Saskatoon SK
Ms. Eleanor Ferwerda
Penny Hatzimanolakis
Rick Kroener, RDT, MDT
Manager Lab Facilities, Instructor/Specialized Professional
Shane Dewling, BA, CFP®, FMA
Investment Planning Advisor - CDSPI Advisory Services Inc
Tom Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P.
Founder of Pharmacology Declassified
Winston McLean
Iron Wolf Consulting
4:00 - 9:30PM
Trade Show & Networking Evening Event
Grand Salons - Upper Level
7:00 - 8:30AM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
7:00 - 4:00PM
8:00 - 4:00PM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
8:30 - 10:00AM
Finding Happiness in Dentistry | Plenary
Dr. Sanj Mohanta - Theatre
10:00 - 10:30AM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
10:30 - 12:00PM
Successful Peri-Implant Support with GBT
Penny Hatzimanolakis - Gallery A
Dr. Brian B. Nový, DDS - Gallery B
FOUR Patient Lifestyle Habits that Influence Healing
Dr. Uche Odiatu - Gallery C
Introduction to Airway Centric Pediatric Health Care and Tongue Ties (Part 1)
Dr. Alison Sigal - Gallery D
Medical Emergencies In The Dental Office (Part 1)
Dr. David Isen - Regal A
Tom Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P. - Regal B
Dental implant restorations in the esthetic zone: Guidelines and principles for a successful outcome
Dr. John M. Tsourounakis, DDS, Cert. Perio, MS, FRCD(C) - Green Room
10:30 - 12:30PM
Get SMART! The Science of Stress Management and Resiliency Training
Dr. Kristin Yont - Gallery Suite 1
12:00 - 1:30PM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
1:30 - 3:00PM
Rick Kroener, RDT, MDT - Gallery Suite 1
Tackling Extraction Complications for GPs
Dr. Nekky Jamal - Gallery A
Dr. Brian B. Nový, DDS - Gallery B
Inflammation 911: The Mouth-Body-Mind Connection!
Dr. Uche Odiatu - Gallery C
Introduction to Airway Centric Pediatric Health Care and Tongue Ties (Part 2)
Dr. Alison Sigal - Gallery D
Medical Emergencies In The Dental Office (Part 2)
Dr. David Isen - Regal A
Tom Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P. - Regal B
Predictability in Implant Dentistry: A road-map to long-term success
Dr. John M. Tsourounakis, DDS, Cert. Perio, MS, FRCD(C) - Green Room
3:00 - 3:30PM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
3:30 - 5:00PM
Dental Office Design & Impact on Patient Care and Experience
Kayla Lindgren, BID, IDAS - Gallery Suite 1
Dental Assisting for Oral Surgery in the GP office
Dr. Nekky Jamal - Gallery A
Dr. Brian B. Nový, DDS - Gallery B
The Human Microbiome: What Every Dental Pro Needs to Know
Dr. Uche Odiatu - Gallery C
Dr. Alison Sigal / Dr. Michael Sigal - Gallery D
Tax Minimization Strategies Throughout Your Career & Into Retirement with Special Guest MNP
Shane Dewling, BA, CFP®, FMA / Kirstie McGrath, CPA / Calvin Carpenter, CPA, CA - Regal A
Case Studies - From Incidents to Excellence (Dental Risk Management)
Julian Perez - Regal B
Dr. Keith Da Silva - Green Room
7:00 - 11:00PM
7:00 - 8:30AM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
7:00 - 10:30AM
8:30 - 10:00AM
Darren Shanahan - Gallery Suite 1
Loose Screws: Haps and Mishaps in Implant Restorations
Dr. Sorin Uram-Tuculescu - Gallery A
Darci Lang - Gallery B
Oral Health Hacks: Evidence Based Information on Which Oral Health Habits Work and Which Ones Hurt
Dr. Sanj Mohanta - Gallery C
Infection Control Quality Assurance in Dental Practices
Dr. Michelle Siqueira / Ms. Eleanor Ferwerda - Gallery D
Sleep Apnea Essentials for the Dental Team
Dr. Troy Michelson - Regal A
The Three Most Difficult Aspects of Dental Practice Management: HR, HR and HR.
Dr. Peter Doig - Regal B
CAPHD Scientific Session (Part 1)
Dental Public Health Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers - Green Room
10:00 - 10:30AM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
10:30 - 12:00PM
Beth Parkes - Gallery Suite 1
Jack and the Titanium Stalk: Management of Complex Implant Restorations"
Dr. Sorin Uram-Tuculescu - Gallery A
Catching the Up-spiral (Tools to beat stress and big stress related issues)
Darren Lang, MBA - Gallery B
Managing the Medically Compromised Patient
Dr. Sanj Mohanta - Gallery C
Ageless Body - Timeless Practice!
Dr. Uche Odiatu - Gallery D
What’s the Hype?: Key Food and Nutrition Trends in 2023 and their Role in Oral Health
Dr. Jessica Lieffers / Carrie Verishagen - Regal A
Introduction to Indigenous Awareness
Winston McLean - Regal B
CAPHD Scientific Session (Part 2)
Dental Public Health Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers - Green Room
1:00 - 3:00PM
Grand Salons - Upper Level
(306) 244-5072 ext. 226